I'm thinking of starting an informal AI art contest. To encourage innovation I'll try to make the prompts pretty specific, i.e. "X character in X artstyle with X style of clothes in X resolution." Also, that would help to stop a devolution into posting porn. Lol.
Some details I need to clear up:
- a standard image host would be a good idea. Not sure what to go with.
- would anyone be interested in judging? We could also go by simple upvotes, although there are a lot of problems with this.
- maybe it should be a requirement to post the model and prompts. Possibly LoRA as well.
edit: here are the current stipulations:
- catbox.moe for image host
- separate contests for pure and retouched photos
catbox.moe might be fine as a host
strawpoll.com might be an alternative to upvotes, or even let judges do ranked voting
Yeah, I was considering having 3 judges give 1st-3rd place ranking (3-1 points) and totaling things up. Strawpoll is a good suggestion too.
I wouldn't recommend using upvotes considering the fuckery that goes on with the voting here. My suggestion would to have 3 volunteers do the judging so it's tamper proof.
Then everyone can yell at the judges lol
Seriously though, that might be the best option.
Catbox.moe keeps the metadata in PNG images so you could check prompts/model that way, and they also don't have extreme NSFW filters like imgur does now.
It looks like catbox.moe is the people's choice. I don't know about viewing prompts through metadata, though. I ran one of my AI images through exiftool and basically got nothing.
Assuming you're using something like Automatic1111 or Forge, you can load it in the PNG Info tab and it'll show it.
I use an AI web service, so I doubt the prompt info is encoded.
Thirding catbox.moe. I'd definitely participate if you did this. And yes, a fairly niche theme is recommended, to make the entries more comparable, and limiting the amount a mere difference in taste from the judges plays. Make it clear what the judges are looking for.
I don't know If I'd limit it to specific characters, but you should engineer the theme in such a way as to push people out of their typical habits when generating, make it complex enough that mastery over the generation tools is required, but broad enough to give space for ambition and skill to shine through to differentiate between works that meet the theme.
Definitely. It'll be a learning process for sure. I love playing with AI, but I'm relatively unsophisticated and don't branch out of my favorite models too much.
Restrict the size of the image, because otherwise it simply gives advantage to those with more tokens/processingpower/time. (or simply, max 1024x1024). I don't think the size needs to be more restrictive than that, personally. If you ask for a 3/4s shot of a 1girl, most people are going to default to 1:1, 2:3, 3:4, or 1:2.
I'd say to avoid "artstyle" in your categories, simply because that results in things looking very samey. On the one hand, things looking samey means its easier to determine a "winner", but on the other hand, it's more boring. Give an idea, and let people go wild. They want to run a pastel oil LORA or an Instagram LORA or a thin-line pencil sketch LORA? Go wild! More fun results that way.
To avoid this looking like you just ran out of tokens and are asking competent people who can run A1111 to make your own gens for you, I'd say the prompt would need to be either fairly vague but gaming-oriented, or otherwise be voted on by the community, or decided not by you, but by the judges.
Personal opinion: It should be handled a bit like a cooking competition show: Each judge gets to ask one component of the gen (be it a mandatory prompt, a mandatory LORA at a specific strength, a theme, or just a "feeling" they want in the gen), and then freestyle beyond that, to see what abominations people can whip up.
All good suggestions. Restricting art style might be a bit much in some cases. I'm planning on weighting the judging criteria to creativity and artistry rather than raw fidelity, so there needs to be room for people to think.
If the judging is just aesthetic based then I’ll do it, another alternative could be just doing post based voting
I'd suggest limiting the competition to a theme. For example "music" or "action scene". Something generic. Let the AI artists do their thing.
one way would be a requirement that only participants may vote for winners. there's problems here too, but it would at least prevent sock-puppeting.
edit: revisiting this post, because "prevention" is impposible, but I think a voting requirement that to vote you have to participate could help combat such devious tactics, especially with ranked voting as someone else pointed out.
Two categories if you want, but at least in the "pure" one, I would support letting people use whatever tools they want, as long as they say what they did, so everyone could learn what's possible and how to do it. It's an interesting field, but it is changing pretty fast and it's easy to lose track of what's out there.
Is it limited to what the AI produces, or is photoshop alterations allowed?
Good question. I'd separate contests between pure and retouched photos.
You'll also need rules surrounding Controlnet, Regional Prompting, Refining Passes, Inpainting, etc.
A required resolution for the submitted image might be warranted too.