N64 only makes sense if it wasn’t intended to all be used at once. Either your left hand goes in the middle with the joystick or the far left with the D-pad.
in fact, turok had a rather novel approach where you could switch to a 'left-handed' mode that used the thumb stick and the dpad instead of the buttons.
This was always stated in the manual for the N64 itself.
Am I really the only one here who read those?
It was designed to be held one of three different ways: middle and right, left and right, or (I can't think of a single game that tried this) left and middle.
It was clear as day to me, from day one in 1996, because I read the manual.
That is exactly how it works. There were very few games that actually made use of the d-pad but they were out there. I distinctly remember having to make use of the d-pad for one level in Mischief Makers because your thrusters were actually marginally slower when using the c buttons vs double tapping on the d-pad. I just figured I wasn't pressing fast enough and got a madcatz controller to automate the button pressing, but when that didn't work I was floored and eventually puzzled it out or read something online. I forget which, it's been a while.
N64 only makes sense if it wasn’t intended to all be used at once. Either your left hand goes in the middle with the joystick or the far left with the D-pad.
pretty much.
in fact, turok had a rather novel approach where you could switch to a 'left-handed' mode that used the thumb stick and the dpad instead of the buttons.
This was always stated in the manual for the N64 itself.
Am I really the only one here who read those?
It was designed to be held one of three different ways: middle and right, left and right, or (I can't think of a single game that tried this) left and middle.
It was clear as day to me, from day one in 1996, because I read the manual.
No, it's in the manual. It's even in the advertising.
But in the center of the gamepad, my hands were too close together and it didn't feel comfortable.
So I just reached across the whole thing.
My hands are pretty large, to the point the original Xbox controller, the "Duke," fits them perfectly.
I never had an issue with the N64 controller.
Your hands must be Shaq-level huge.
No, just lots of stretching, and I'm probably not holding the N64 controller right. I mostly cup my left-hand's fingers.
That is exactly how it works. There were very few games that actually made use of the d-pad but they were out there. I distinctly remember having to make use of the d-pad for one level in Mischief Makers because your thrusters were actually marginally slower when using the c buttons vs double tapping on the d-pad. I just figured I wasn't pressing fast enough and got a madcatz controller to automate the button pressing, but when that didn't work I was floored and eventually puzzled it out or read something online. I forget which, it's been a while.
Mischief Makers kicked ALL the ass, and it's a shame it's never been re-released.
Fantastic intro and credits themes too.
No, that's fine. I'm just going to stretch my left thumb out what feels like the 8 feet of distance I need to cover to get to the center stick
why does my hand hurt?