They're scared because Trump has let whispers fly of America leaving or reducing it's NATO contribution.
That happens, European countries can kiss their socialised system goodbye since they'll HAVE to pay for their own defence. But since they only know 'orange man bad!' They aren't able to make any arguments for America to STAY in NATO..
Easily? It isn't exactly something you can just buy at the local 7/11.
Every time Iran tries to build a centrifuge for fuel enrichment, we leave a crater where it once stood. If we are removed from NATO, and see that former NATO members are a risk of starting a nuclear war, we will start bombing their facilities too. Our allies only have nukes now because we allow them to. If they stop being our allies, we will stop allowing it.
Publicly, France has around 200. US and Russia have around 1.7-2k on standby and more can be built easily with each countries stockpiles. There might be a few off the books in the EU but the number completely pales to Russia and US.
They're scared because Trump has let whispers fly of America leaving or reducing it's NATO contribution.
That happens, European countries can kiss their socialised system goodbye since they'll HAVE to pay for their own defence. But since they only know 'orange man bad!' They aren't able to make any arguments for America to STAY in NATO..
My argument for is without us, euro cucks start a nuclear war over Ukraine. At least if we're in nato, we can stop that part of it.
With what nukes? Most of the nukes in NATO are US loaned and operated by US troops. France has a few but that’s it.
The UK has some, France has some and I'm sure that other countries could easily find some.
Easily? It isn't exactly something you can just buy at the local 7/11.
Every time Iran tries to build a centrifuge for fuel enrichment, we leave a crater where it once stood. If we are removed from NATO, and see that former NATO members are a risk of starting a nuclear war, we will start bombing their facilities too. Our allies only have nukes now because we allow them to. If they stop being our allies, we will stop allowing it.
Publicly, France has around 200. US and Russia have around 1.7-2k on standby and more can be built easily with each countries stockpiles. There might be a few off the books in the EU but the number completely pales to Russia and US.