No. It's not "well played". I'm all for dark jokes, but even dark jokes have a time and a place. As others have said, this is a complete lack of reading the room, and is insulting people who want accountability for children being raped. The fact this is coming from what should be an official source that has some semblance of professionalism is even more insulting. It's one thing for some random jackass to do this. I'd even laugh at that. It's another when it's coming from an official agency.
Completely disrespecting the thousands of conservatives who fought for years to uncover the corrupt bureaucracy.
Guarantee the people running that Twitter account are dual citizens
Kids were raped. Ha ha ha, let's Rickroll people who want accountability.
Definitely feels like a 'read the room' moment...
Yeah this was a really stupid move.
*Post screenshot of archive.*
This shit isn't hard, Tomato! > >
First comment "revolutions"...republicans are stupid and cute, like a 6 year old with a red propeller hat being mad he got tricked.
On the one hand: release the shit. On the other hand: well played.
No. It's not "well played". I'm all for dark jokes, but even dark jokes have a time and a place. As others have said, this is a complete lack of reading the room, and is insulting people who want accountability for children being raped. The fact this is coming from what should be an official source that has some semblance of professionalism is even more insulting. It's one thing for some random jackass to do this. I'd even laugh at that. It's another when it's coming from an official agency.