She puts on a good show. I guess at least; I'm not super familiar with her.
I have a pretty high tolerance for grifters, when they're useful. She exceeds that limit. Does matter how based shed might appear, she's complete and utterly untrustworthy and unreliable. Even compared to her fellow grifters.
You know shit's bad when you agree with Laura Loomer.
Isn't she usually fairly based, for a woman? Hadn't been following too much but on my scale of libtard to based, she was a 7?
Nah she's a lying, deranged nutbag. Google "Laura Loomer tires"
Woman can't drive and doesn't understand car mechanics?
Were you expecting better?
She lied about leftists slashing her tire.
She puts on a good show. I guess at least; I'm not super familiar with her.
I have a pretty high tolerance for grifters, when they're useful. She exceeds that limit. Does matter how based shed might appear, she's complete and utterly untrustworthy and unreliable. Even compared to her fellow grifters.