British journo is mad about J. K. Rowling, again
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Watching Rowling have to lie in the bed she made will never stop being delightful. She gleefully made common cause with the rabid left because of her feminism, happily adding faggots and race swapping/mixing to her story to 'own the chuds' when it suited her. But now the golem is turning on its master and she gets all pissy that they're coming after her for not going along with troonism.
I wouldn't have watched this show anyways because frankly Harry Potter isn't very good. Rowling was never more than a semi-talented amateur that got lucky with a good idea at the right place and time. She never took the time to actually hone her skills as an author and her work reflects it. The fact that all the books follow the same format, and each one relies on some kind of Chekov's McGuffin that we've never heard of until now, totally ignores previously established lore, and then we never hear about it again after it stops being useful for that one story is a sure sign of bad writing. The Time Turner, the Horcruxes, the wand allegiance thing, etc. All of it reeks of something she just pulled out of her ass at the last minute to move the plot along without thinking about how it would affect the rest of the story.
Contrast this with someone like Jim Butcher who released the first two Dresden Files books, sold really well and realized he had a hit on his hand, and then took a long break to become a better writer, plot out the entire series and nail down the backstory, lore, characters, and how magic works before going back into pick up in book 3. It's why the first two Dresden Files books are near universally regarded as the weakest ones. He hadn't figured out what he wanted to do yet and was still very new to writing. But once he realized he had something special, he stopped to put the work in to get better before going forward.
Rowling never did that. She just kept writing the same book 7 times, and at the same amateurish level of writing that she had with the first one. It's only happenstance that it got released in the time that it did and got picked up by enough people that it resonated with for it to become such a global sensation. If you still like Harry Potter, I promise that at least 70% of that enjoyment is just nostalgia.
A huge portion of the HP fandom are movie watchers, which fixed a lot of the book's issues in exchange for cutting a lot of the fluff.
There is a reason why the fandom took off more once there were a bunch of them and the actor's had gotten "hotter" for the teen girls to get off to on tumblr/livejournal.
As a youth, I think my first peak at the existence of Harry/Draco slashfics was the first time I truly gazed into the abyss of nihilism and wondered whether this world was worth saving.
What issues? Besides the many plotholes. Last time I read the series was two decades ago. Personally I didn't like the movies (back then, only watched the first 3 or 4) because they cut so much. Peeves missing entirely especially annoyed me.
I actually don't remember and am repeating something I've heard as I didn't finish either series.
But I can assume with the benefit of hindsight the movies could iron out certain issues the books had, so I have no reason to question it.
Yeah, but then how will I be able to understand current year politics, bigot?
Absolutely, but I think it's not really trannies that Rowling opposes, but men. I've followed her on Twitter/X for awhile and can't remember a single instance where she condemned FtM trannies. It only seems to be MtF that she cares about. She often doesn't mention transgenderism at all and will instead specifically refer to "men in women's spaces."
I'm quite certain you're correct.
I never read any HP books, I think I saw the first two movies when they were on the TV but that's about the extent of my firsthand experience with the universe. I also think JKR is an annoying feminist bitch. But I don't think the bed she made is particularly bothering her. She's living in a castle and she's untouchable, she's basically the only Brit who can push back openly against the troons, because if they tried to jail her or even fine her, fucking Mumsnet would start a violent revolution.
I'm glad she's pushing the Overton Window back into normalcy at least a little bit. She could just write empty platitudes about muh trans rights, like every other entertainment industry whore, but she's not doing that. Good on her, even if she's friends with outright demons like Bindel.