Both the premier of ontario and the prime minister fucking off without even a token effort to communicate with protestors is the convoys fault, bussing in police from god knows where to crack skulls is the convoys fault, hell they have a lot of dumb rubes blaming all the inflation on the guys at the border.
It is hilarious to see them still seething after all this time, as if we had anything to do with their lack of patriotism as they cheered on land acknowledgments that all but called the country illegitimate and crowed at how progessively post-national they were. Wrapping their TDS in a maple leaf flag is as cringy as it is fake.
With none of those Mounties receiving any discipline.
Yet they made that one cop in Windsor who donated 20 bucks to the convoy (and was outed by data from the GIveSendGo illegal hack) work for weeks without pay as punishment from an arbiter.
I saw an update last week that the second legal appeal was ongoing.
...I'm starting to wonder if "post-nationalism" isn't europe trying to drag it's former possessions down with it in the deathrows of their political relevance... it really feels like that continent's been in freefall for a while, and now they want to drag the rest of the world down with them...
...and since so many former colonies, etc. are infested with Eurocrats, they're all too happy to go along with it so long as Mommy Europa gives them head pats on the journey...
and since so many former colonies, etc. are infested with Eurocrats, they're all too happy to go along with it so long as Mommy Europa gives them head pats on the journey...
Christ, don't even get me started. So much of Canada's anti-american sentiment is born out of poisoning our relationship in exchange for our leaders getting lots of atta' boys while abroad.
yes...i've seen the photos of your prime minister cosplaying, and not just the blackface ones, lmao.
sadly, we have a shitton of it stateside as well... for all the left's talk of 'eurocentrism' when it comes to beauty, their politicians are some of the most eurocentric dick-riders i've ever seen...Barry O being the example that comes to mind...
Both the premier of ontario and the prime minister fucking off without even a token effort to communicate with protestors is the convoys fault, bussing in police from god knows where to crack skulls is the convoys fault, hell they have a lot of dumb rubes blaming all the inflation on the guys at the border.
It is hilarious to see them still seething after all this time, as if we had anything to do with their lack of patriotism as they cheered on land acknowledgments that all but called the country illegitimate and crowed at how progessively post-national they were. Wrapping their TDS in a maple leaf flag is as cringy as it is fake.
Recall the leaked "jackboots" group message from the RCMP? Fuck every single one of them.
With none of those Mounties receiving any discipline.
Yet they made that one cop in Windsor who donated 20 bucks to the convoy (and was outed by data from the GIveSendGo illegal hack) work for weeks without pay as punishment from an arbiter.
I saw an update last week that the second legal appeal was ongoing.
...I'm starting to wonder if "post-nationalism" isn't europe trying to drag it's former possessions down with it in the deathrows of their political relevance... it really feels like that continent's been in freefall for a while, and now they want to drag the rest of the world down with them...
...and since so many former colonies, etc. are infested with Eurocrats, they're all too happy to go along with it so long as Mommy Europa gives them head pats on the journey...
Christ, don't even get me started. So much of Canada's anti-american sentiment is born out of poisoning our relationship in exchange for our leaders getting lots of atta' boys while abroad.
yes...i've seen the photos of your prime minister cosplaying, and not just the blackface ones, lmao.
sadly, we have a shitton of it stateside as well... for all the left's talk of 'eurocentrism' when it comes to beauty, their politicians are some of the most eurocentric dick-riders i've ever seen...Barry O being the example that comes to mind...