and since so many former colonies, etc. are infested with Eurocrats, they're all too happy to go along with it so long as Mommy Europa gives them head pats on the journey...
Christ, don't even get me started. So much of Canada's anti-american sentiment is born out of poisoning our relationship in exchange for our leaders getting lots of atta' boys while abroad.
yes...i've seen the photos of your prime minister cosplaying, and not just the blackface ones, lmao.
sadly, we have a shitton of it stateside as well... for all the left's talk of 'eurocentrism' when it comes to beauty, their politicians are some of the most eurocentric dick-riders i've ever seen...Barry O being the example that comes to mind...
Christ, don't even get me started. So much of Canada's anti-american sentiment is born out of poisoning our relationship in exchange for our leaders getting lots of atta' boys while abroad.
yes...i've seen the photos of your prime minister cosplaying, and not just the blackface ones, lmao.
sadly, we have a shitton of it stateside as well... for all the left's talk of 'eurocentrism' when it comes to beauty, their politicians are some of the most eurocentric dick-riders i've ever seen...Barry O being the example that comes to mind...