"Avowed Hates Men"
To no one's surprise, the game is nothing but insufferable girl bosses, thinly veiled anti-whiteness, and men who are either evil, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, or just literally homosexual. It's a repeat of Outer Worlds, which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone because the devs are still the exact same leftist feminist dipshits who treat their game dev jobs as merely another opportunity for rank activism.
Outside of the culture war content, everything else is also terrible. The UI is garbage. The game is full of bugs and jank. The combat looks soft and boring. The game's structure is at least 15 years outdated. The story is beyond cliche. Nothing about this woke turd looks good.
An interesting phenomenon is the "console exclusive" bump we always see from such games. There are people out there praising this game for no other reason than Playstation gamers can't play it (right now). Same shit happened with Starfield, not to mention every Sony exclusive ever. These games always have lower scores and player reviews on PC because PC gamers are not ego-invested the same way that console fanboys have always been.
Simplicity, at least until recent generations.
You could buy any console, plug in 2 wires (one of which color coded) and just turn it on with full functionality out the box. Minimal troubleshooting necessary for most of its lifetime (usually until hardware failures), minimal effort to use, minimal difficulty in that use for the entire age spectrum (so it could equally be a console for the kids and the adults). And for a family usage, simple to move around the house for public or private play sessions.
Whereas the opposite is true for computers, until recent generations the closest you could get to that was pre-built ones. Which we all know were both incredibly poorly made and usually filled with bloatware that would take effort to clear to be fully functional. Building your own would provide a superior and often cheaper option, but that requires considerable knowledge and effort.
And while that might seem like not a big deal, it was a very huge one before computers become "multiple to a household" norm. The balance has skewed heavily towards PC in the last decade because everyone has one now anyway, while the consoles started emulating the worst traits of PC (accounts for everything, massive install times, constant software issues).
Cool, we're talking about the history and not comparisons right here right now. Why is that? Oh right, because that's all the consoles have, is a historical advantage, not a modern one.
I wouldn't say otherwise. Consoles recently are completely dead because they emulated all those worse traits of PCs to try and become more than they were (likely spurred by the popularity of the PS2/3 as DVD/BluRay players and how much they massively pushed their sales up).
Xbox hasn't been relevant in a decade and PS5 is so dead that new games are still releasing on the PS4.
Nintendo however is still capable of providing those same advantages and went back to such after the Wii/WiiU became more complicated, while also adding simple portability. Meaning you don't even need to unhook/rehook to hand it to your girlfriend or kid, you just hand them a small console. So they point still stands entirely there, especially as the most direct competitor in that way ("gaming laptops") are a dead meme.
The most direct competitor would be Steam Decks and similar devices that use a PC operating system.
Adam, you're living in the mid 2010s for a discussion about right now.
The point made was "they have their uses" which I have demonstrated multiple times they do. Not that they are the objective better option in all forms.
Every single Switch game works on the Switch. Not every game is Steamdeck Compatible. So its lost on that level of comparison.
And your entire dismissal only works if you only play modern games exclusively, because otherwise that entire history of consoles and their uses is still just as valid now as ever. I literally plugged in my PS2 last month to play a game on it and it took as much time as it did just to find it to get it operational.
I'm living right now explaining how they got a foothold and how that foothold still exists, while the most modern consoles (ones that even the company in charge considers failed) are irrelevant because of how poorly they aped PC's worst traits.
Traits you've just ignored entirely each time they were laid out.