"Avowed Hates Men"
To no one's surprise, the game is nothing but insufferable girl bosses, thinly veiled anti-whiteness, and men who are either evil, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, or just literally homosexual. It's a repeat of Outer Worlds, which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone because the devs are still the exact same leftist feminist dipshits who treat their game dev jobs as merely another opportunity for rank activism.
Outside of the culture war content, everything else is also terrible. The UI is garbage. The game is full of bugs and jank. The combat looks soft and boring. The game's structure is at least 15 years outdated. The story is beyond cliche. Nothing about this woke turd looks good.
An interesting phenomenon is the "console exclusive" bump we always see from such games. There are people out there praising this game for no other reason than Playstation gamers can't play it (right now). Same shit happened with Starfield, not to mention every Sony exclusive ever. These games always have lower scores and player reviews on PC because PC gamers are not ego-invested the same way that console fanboys have always been.
Isn't Pillars 2 famous for not having a single straight white male companion?
You may be thinking of Pathfinder as both Kingmaker and WOTR had 0 human white male characters. Even the white non-human characters where either whiney bitches or gay. Strangely enough Daeran from WOTR is not that bad despite being a degenerate Aasimar, he is kind of based and has a good line: "Smile, the world's not ending just yet"
Played lots of kingmaker and yeah the story characters werent White men but it wasnt turbo mega gay. Like one the one who is a degenerate is an arguably black-coded orc and is chaotic evil, and there is a line to reply that you will knock him out if he hits on you again. The feminist warrior woman is so over the top you can treat it like satire.
Also other than a few character specific missions you can play the whole game with mercs who you configure however you want.
I've become pretty sensitive to this stuff and kingmaker didn't set me off despite a few potholes.
I couldn't stand kingmaker. I did play wotr since some companions are cool but kingmaker, I hated all the companions and the dialogue was so modern at times I just couldn't stand it - also feminism was so much in your face
unsheaths katana be careful how you talk about my wife Amiri, one of the few well-written characters in KM. Unless you mean Valerie in which case I agree completely
Not sure, did they make Eder and Aloth gay? I heard people complaining that you could not navigate without having someone trying to but-fuck you but I did not know the details.
Just Aloth, but Eder became a pale imitation of his former self who effectively renounced his faith, thereby destroying his character entirely