Whites from both america and europe are lucky to escape. you guys should really stop pretending trump is so heckin based when he agrees with elon ben-muskstein that america needs more h1b indians and that he needs to help israel move all the palestinians into White countries, and stop pretending any of that is better than the atrocities committed in europe...
Weird reply to a comment trying to defend euro normies, when there's others here actually attacking your people. I was basically saying "forgive them they don't know any better and need to be brought into the light."
But ok, if you're arguing that euro normies are drooling liberal retards by choice, who am I to disagree?
Isn't european media entirely controlled? It must be like living in plato's cave for most people.
God knows how much of it is compromised with USAID type money as well. Would definitely explain a lot of the TDS narrative over there
... and america's media isn't? really?
Whites from both america and europe are lucky to escape. you guys should really stop pretending trump is so heckin based when he agrees with elon ben-muskstein that america needs more h1b indians and that he needs to help israel move all the palestinians into White countries, and stop pretending any of that is better than the atrocities committed in europe...
pride cometh before the fall. if you let this shit trick you and boast online about how you're better than the "eurocucks" (who you were not 400 years ago) you're gonna find yourself neck deep in some war again and you won't have half a clue why.
Weird reply to a comment trying to defend euro normies, when there's others here actually attacking your people. I was basically saying "forgive them they don't know any better and need to be brought into the light."
But ok, if you're arguing that euro normies are drooling liberal retards by choice, who am I to disagree?