Outing herself as being completely uneducated, I guess. Manufactor = Manus + Facere: Hand + Create. Literally to make something through the effort of your hands. It's from latin, the dead give away is the "or" suffix on the root "fact" which denotes changes it to a title for a person doing the thing. The english equivalent is "er" or "ard".
Fun fact, the female equivalent to the "tor/or" suffis "trix", so a woman who makes things by hand would be a Manufactrix, and this senator would be a Stupifactrix.
Bring back the classics in school so people can stop being retarded through preventable ignorance.
We're dealing with the sort of retards who think ''his''tory is sexist, and that ''humankind'' still isn't woke enough because it has ''man'' in it, so say ''peoplekind''.
In fairness to the communist bastard, it was fairly tounge-in-cheek. He did that because both she, and the audience, and the place he was in were all very ideologically captured. I think she responded with, "You're right, thank you". It was a very friendly crowd and everyone laughed because they thought it was very smart of him to say because it proves his loyalty to the cause.
Most people would have said many other things in response to him saying that.
Outing herself as being completely uneducated, I guess. Manufactor = Manus + Facere: Hand + Create. Literally to make something through the effort of your hands. It's from latin, the dead give away is the "or" suffix on the root "fact" which denotes changes it to a title for a person doing the thing. The english equivalent is "er" or "ard".
Fun fact, the female equivalent to the "tor/or" suffis "trix", so a woman who makes things by hand would be a Manufactrix, and this senator would be a Stupifactrix.
Bring back the classics in school so people can stop being retarded through preventable ignorance.
We're dealing with the sort of retards who think ''his''tory is sexist, and that ''humankind'' still isn't woke enough because it has ''man'' in it, so say ''peoplekind''.
Justin Castro unironically ''corrected'' a woman not being inclusive enough and she has to say ''peoplekind''.
In fairness to the communist bastard, it was fairly tounge-in-cheek. He did that because both she, and the audience, and the place he was in were all very ideologically captured. I think she responded with, "You're right, thank you". It was a very friendly crowd and everyone laughed because they thought it was very smart of him to say because it proves his loyalty to the cause.
Most people would have said many other things in response to him saying that.
implying it isn't intentional, lol.