Stumbled across this article from August 22nd of last year. It's a tranny eagerly promoting the possibility of a gay romance in KCD2.
Hasn't Warhorse delivered everything this tranny asked for?
Vavra decided to have his cake and eat it, too. That's it. That's the whole story. He's an opportunist and a liar. And half the anti-woke crowd are so desperate for relevance that they're willing to circle the wagons for a traitor who sold out to the woke mob for a few extra shekels.
Edit to add: consider the timeline. This tranny journo was playing a preview build of the game almost six months ago. If the gay romance had been explicit, don't you think he would have been singing its praises?
Vavra deliberately withheld the gay romance from the players because he knew it was a betrayal. He fully intended to blindside us. When it was leaked, he played stupid while his sycophants came to his defense.
Then IGN gives it a 9/10 and releases a "how to be gay" guide five minutes after their review goes up? Obviously some games media were in on the deception.
The copium is absurd in this circle or whatever you want to call it. There are still people who say BG3 isn't woke.
I still remember being downvoted to hell all over this sub for calling it out during the weeks after release.
I bet most of those guys are still here and are currently pretending they totally knew it was woke this whole time and hated it too.
The people who supported it I think are just overtly silent about its wokeness now. It's the silence of shame.
Same as the people who championed Arcane, which -- to no one's surprise -- turned out to be a vehicle for Netflix to heavily push for faggotry and feminism.
I remember the hype for Arcane. I remember thinking “wait, how is this not the same feminist girl boss tripe as everything else?” And it is.
Arcane was supported entirely on "I want to fuck this crazy chick" or "I want to see these crazy lesbians fuck."
That's a demographic that has huge overlap between both the woke and regular heterosexual men, and its why girlboss tripe isn't quite as simple to be rid of as other Woke ideas.
That gives them too much credit. They are absolutely being loud about it right now hoping no one remembers.
And to their credit, I am not autistic enough to remember names so they are right about it.
I foolishly backed BG3 at the very beginning because I really enjoyed DOS2. Wish I could take it back. I realized right away during early access that every martial companion is an insufferable masculine woman and every non-martial companion is a sassy effeminate man. Haven’t played it since, but plenty of vids confirming big gay throughout the cast and story.
Wasn't it less pozzed during EA than it eventually ended up being at release on top of that?
Oh absolutely. Certainly no gay bear sex during my initial act 1 play. And BG3 gets something of a pass simply because there is so much content. By percentage, it might be less pozzed than KCD2. Still gay as hell.