And at least Lucas didn’t hate Star Wars or see it as a problem that a lot of guys enjoyed it. You are right about Rogue One. I didn’t see Obi Wan but I heard enough about it to know it was written by people who didn’t know Star Wars.
Literally a 2 minute scene where Obi Wan cuts Vader’s helmet open and catches a brief glimpse of Anakin’s mutilated remains beneath. He tells him, “I’m sorry Anakin, for everything”, and Vader smiles and says something like, “Anakin is already dead, I killed him myself”.
And that was it, that was the only thing in that entire show that even remotely mattered in terms of lore.
Everything else was just modern Disney slop; ten or so episodes of Obi Wan being cucked by a stronger smarter little girl (who inexplicably doesn’t remember him anymore when she’s grown up in episode IV, as well as strong black female antagonist who dominates all who stand in her way. Oh and don’t forget Ewan McGregor making a video clip from his car about how racist we all are for complaining.
This franchise is dead and buried. I don’t know what that stupid Kennedy bitch is thinking, pumping more and more time and money into the brand. It’s done, it’s over. I don’t care if you have Scorsese direct it, I’m not watching it nor will my children.
In this house we believe there are only 3 Star Wars films 😆
I count 6 but my head canon includes all the pre Disney books too. I didn’t like the idea of Vader and Obi Wan fighting before episode 4. I did hear it was a good duel but my head canon says episode 4 is first time they meet after Mustafar. The showrunner actually said “how can I get Leia involved”. Just seemed to be the usual girl power obsession and creates a plot hole. Why not have Luke and Leia meet as kids and go on a play date chaperoned by Obi Wan. I’m sure Disney shills would applaud it lol
So he doesn't want them to have a chance of being good?
Say what you will about the prequels, but even the worst one, Attack of the Clones, was better anything Disney provided.
They came the closest with Rogue One because they were confined thanks to the time it was set.
And at least Lucas didn’t hate Star Wars or see it as a problem that a lot of guys enjoyed it. You are right about Rogue One. I didn’t see Obi Wan but I heard enough about it to know it was written by people who didn’t know Star Wars.
Literally a 2 minute scene where Obi Wan cuts Vader’s helmet open and catches a brief glimpse of Anakin’s mutilated remains beneath. He tells him, “I’m sorry Anakin, for everything”, and Vader smiles and says something like, “Anakin is already dead, I killed him myself”.
And that was it, that was the only thing in that entire show that even remotely mattered in terms of lore.
Everything else was just modern Disney slop; ten or so episodes of Obi Wan being cucked by a stronger smarter little girl (who inexplicably doesn’t remember him anymore when she’s grown up in episode IV, as well as strong black female antagonist who dominates all who stand in her way. Oh and don’t forget Ewan McGregor making a video clip from his car about how racist we all are for complaining.
This franchise is dead and buried. I don’t know what that stupid Kennedy bitch is thinking, pumping more and more time and money into the brand. It’s done, it’s over. I don’t care if you have Scorsese direct it, I’m not watching it nor will my children.
In this house we believe there are only 3 Star Wars films 😆
I count 6 but my head canon includes all the pre Disney books too. I didn’t like the idea of Vader and Obi Wan fighting before episode 4. I did hear it was a good duel but my head canon says episode 4 is first time they meet after Mustafar. The showrunner actually said “how can I get Leia involved”. Just seemed to be the usual girl power obsession and creates a plot hole. Why not have Luke and Leia meet as kids and go on a play date chaperoned by Obi Wan. I’m sure Disney shills would applaud it lol