Not gonna say who I really am, but I have a discord channel involving content creation. A dude/fan/viewer or whatever you call it hangs around for a few years, just says hi and what not here and there. Recently became a tranny and recently got onto PC from console.. so this person is in discord and discord voice more often. It is pretty obvious that my discord is not into woke stuff.
In voice chat, the others and I would talk about.. "yeah trannies and woke in games are bad." And this tranny agrees with our opinion that games are forcing trannies into games and what not. Doesn't really talk about his tranny-ism except once for the past 6 months. Then recently since new years.. it started to pick up where now he makes sure people know hes a tranny and sometimes even brings it up for no reason.
Like he talks about taking "e" (e as in estrogen). And that if his voice changes, that is the reason. He would mention this multiple times. There would be a weird silence and what not lol. Then he asks whats the difference between "then" and "than" and then for no reason posts a before and after picture of him since taking "e". How his mother is a whore and that he has 6 siblings, all with different fathers.. He also claims he always thought he was a female trapped in a male's body since he was little, but then later said that his parents forced him to take estrogen when little lol. Talks about having all sorts of mental illness and clamydia. Batshit crazy. Most of the time, I just say "yeah.." "uh huh", pretty much not showing much interest.
Anyways he is a bit mental. Cant really read/spell. Makes random noises and say random shit for no reason. Annoying enough that I made a separate voice channel that only specific roles can see so we can talk about stuff or game in peace lol.
Funny enough I have a gay friend/viewer that hates gay stuff in games and hates gay pride or whatever. Even hates trannies lol. But he's cool. We call him faggot and make gay jokes with him or at him. He straight up told the tranny that he should take that shit elsewhere and that it makes me uncomfortable. Gay friend understood that him being gay gives him slightly more leeway to tell the tranny to stop.Although.. he doesnt really stop lol. Swear, the tranny has a memory of a gold fish. Says sorry, but does it later a minute or two later.
I now know why youtubers, streamers, or whatever keep viewers at bay or have pretty strict boundaries. Anyways, I thought this tranny would be different.. but it seems they all end up doing the same shit. Making sure people know the are trans and bringing it up for no reason most of the time.
Yeah. He is trying to get into everything and try to be part of the group. Trying to be in the "in group"... like "oh, i should get this game to play with you guys". Of course, we are like.. nah this game is not your type or some other crap reasoning.
Im pretty chill. Never kicked or banned anyone unless their account got compromised.
You need to start, before the troon multiplies.
Rip off the band aid.
This is a problem with most tourists in previously niche and socially outcast hobbies, and it only resolves in a good way the more bare bones the tourists are. If it's just Normie MacNormieson who has all the depth of a wooden dental stick used to check the tongue then maybe eventually you can help them grow into being more of a part of the community. Start lumping on shit like SocJus, mental illnesses, and whatever other $CurrentThing is going that month and you're never, ever going to end up with a peaceful situation.
tl;dr Kill it with fire. Discord, the server, and/or the infection.