Not gonna say who I really am, but I have a discord channel involving content creation. A dude/fan/viewer or whatever you call it hangs around for a few years, just says hi and what not here and there. Recently became a tranny and recently got onto PC from console.. so this person is in discord and discord voice more often. It is pretty obvious that my discord is not into woke stuff.
In voice chat, the others and I would talk about.. "yeah trannies and woke in games are bad." And this tranny agrees with our opinion that games are forcing trannies into games and what not. Doesn't really talk about his tranny-ism except once for the past 6 months. Then recently since new years.. it started to pick up where now he makes sure people know hes a tranny and sometimes even brings it up for no reason.
Like he talks about taking "e" (e as in estrogen). And that if his voice changes, that is the reason. He would mention this multiple times. There would be a weird silence and what not lol. Then he asks whats the difference between "then" and "than" and then for no reason posts a before and after picture of him since taking "e". How his mother is a whore and that he has 6 siblings, all with different fathers.. He also claims he always thought he was a female trapped in a male's body since he was little, but then later said that his parents forced him to take estrogen when little lol. Talks about having all sorts of mental illness and clamydia. Batshit crazy. Most of the time, I just say "yeah.." "uh huh", pretty much not showing much interest.
Anyways he is a bit mental. Cant really read/spell. Makes random noises and say random shit for no reason. Annoying enough that I made a separate voice channel that only specific roles can see so we can talk about stuff or game in peace lol.
Funny enough I have a gay friend/viewer that hates gay stuff in games and hates gay pride or whatever. Even hates trannies lol. But he's cool. We call him faggot and make gay jokes with him or at him. He straight up told the tranny that he should take that shit elsewhere and that it makes me uncomfortable. Gay friend understood that him being gay gives him slightly more leeway to tell the tranny to stop.Although.. he doesnt really stop lol. Swear, the tranny has a memory of a gold fish. Says sorry, but does it later a minute or two later.
I now know why youtubers, streamers, or whatever keep viewers at bay or have pretty strict boundaries. Anyways, I thought this tranny would be different.. but it seems they all end up doing the same shit. Making sure people know the are trans and bringing it up for no reason most of the time.
he sounds actually autistic with the random noises and random comments. (E: and being trans)
lol voice change, they wish. The women taking testosterone will get voice changes, but he won't. (calling it now, I bet you he starts breathy and/or falsetto speech)
yeah nah most go from kinda based to utter cringe when they troon out, I've seen it before.
I know everyone is saying to ban him. But if you considered him as your friend, or as a brother, and because of his illness, and for Christ's sake, you have a duty to reach out to him and try to help him see the light. It probably won't work. That doesn't mean keep him in your space if he continues with that shit, you can still ban him. I'm saying do it after trying to help if he refuses.
Unfortunately, this. You've got three choices you can make:
I'm too soft about shit like this, so I'd probably grab a handful of my most trusted, longest present, most active mates from the server and see if there was somewhat of a consensus. That runs the risk of starting drama, but so does acting unilaterally. If the rest of your server is normal, neither should be a problem.I've rethought this. Mods would use any discussion to ban your entire server if he made a case of it. Decide on your own and if/when you ban him, make sure you have plausible deniability. Warn or temp ban him a few times for the random noises and other interruptions. Then go for the permaban once there's a pattern of behavior.
I think delaying a permanent ban could result in the issue more clearly being about trannies. If you give this person more opportunity to put their delusions into writing on the server and they do exactly that, it's over. If you outright ban them, you can make up any lie to substantiate the ban (i.e., "I know them in real life and they said they wanted to fuck my girlfriend, so I blocked them everywhere.").
You've changed my mind a bit also, to a degree. Or at least helped refine my thoughts and add some caveats.
if going my route (I still think it is the right thing to do) it needs to be done with care, and without a paper trail if you care about that server/discord account, sure.
On the religious thing, I didn't mean take a religious approach with him necessarily (it depends on what you think will get through to someone in the flow of conversation), I more meant that you have a duty for this reason too. It's the why not the how.
I was going to post the EXACT same thing you did.
The only reason I agree with your suggestions is because you can tell this kid is desperately looking for some kind of male closeness; a paternal figure to help guide him because he lacks it in real life.
It's sad, but this might be the only opportunity this kid has at someone willing to tell it to him straight and get him back on the right path in life.
OP should at least take an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart and just tell it like it is: that trooning out is bad; that continuing down this route will ruin his life permanently; that there is no coming back and a lot of mental health and physical health issues will ensue; and that there is a strong likelihood of suicide if he maintains this route.
But ultimately, the choice is either attempt to help him (if he is open to it) or ban him. It's about as simple as that.
The only thing OP should not do is enable him.
You don't know what you're talking about.
What don't I know? Which parts were wrong?