I'm reading a book about the rise of Teddy Roosevelt. Not because I'm interested in him specifically. I just enjoy reading these types of books from time to time.
I forget the exact year this incident happened, but it would have been late 1800's.
Roosevelt is in Chicago and iirc he was involved in discussions for who would be the next Republican nomination for Governor.
Fairly late in the discussions, Roosevelt suggests nominating a black man. Why? Because he's black, obviously.
It got me thinking, who was the first DEI hire in the United States? I'm sure this wasn't the first. (although the black guy didn't get the nomination in this case)
"LAND? ayo wtf anyone gonna do wit land fool? niggas gotta EAT! years of oppression and u gon give a nigga land.. smh"
lol. I could see a skit like that on the Chappelle show back in the day. He did do one where reparations were given and KFC and Cadillac business was booming