While yes 'haha' they deserve it for being criminals, the labor usage of prisoners is more than just a gay Leftist talking point.
More than a lot of prisons and local judges have been caught in setups of over charging and imprisoning people purely for labor usage. With huge kickbacks going to said judge and legal system from the massive profits some of them are making off said labor.
So while its good to both give the inmates something to do and a new skill for when they get out, it crosses into another line when you have an entire system being built to incentivize sending people to jail just to force them to work an industry for pennies. Which is why it gets compared to slave labor.
Its little different than importing infinity Mexicans to work the fields, the tax payer ends up covering their cost of living while the pathetic wages make up a huge profit margin to be pocketed by those in charge.
Most fire departments won't hire them after they get out, even if they have experience. The liability of some guy with a history of sticky fingers being put into people's homes isn't something any department wants. Only shitlib areas are that dumb.
Some states do it offence by offence. In others, a DUI is enough to ban you from the profession.
I was thinking more the guys who worked in various industrial type labor. I know my dad spent a while welding when he was in prison, though he already had that profession prior which meant he helped train the other inmates.
Job sites like that are already half criminal of some kind anyway, so the discrimination wouldn't be as strict.
While yes 'haha' they deserve it for being criminals, the labor usage of prisoners is more than just a gay Leftist talking point.
More than a lot of prisons and local judges have been caught in setups of over charging and imprisoning people purely for labor usage. With huge kickbacks going to said judge and legal system from the massive profits some of them are making off said labor.
So while its good to both give the inmates something to do and a new skill for when they get out, it crosses into another line when you have an entire system being built to incentivize sending people to jail just to force them to work an industry for pennies. Which is why it gets compared to slave labor.
Its little different than importing infinity Mexicans to work the fields, the tax payer ends up covering their cost of living while the pathetic wages make up a huge profit margin to be pocketed by those in charge.
Most fire departments won't hire them after they get out, even if they have experience. The liability of some guy with a history of sticky fingers being put into people's homes isn't something any department wants. Only shitlib areas are that dumb.
Some states do it offence by offence. In others, a DUI is enough to ban you from the profession.
I was thinking more the guys who worked in various industrial type labor. I know my dad spent a while welding when he was in prison, though he already had that profession prior which meant he helped train the other inmates.
Job sites like that are already half criminal of some kind anyway, so the discrimination wouldn't be as strict.