How are women 30% least censorious, 65% middle censorious and 82% most censorious?
If it is ''their % of the X Censorious category'' and women are just most of the sample, then how is that data breakdown a wise choice? I'm sure breaking down the data differently would have been more useful.
They didn't do per capita adjustment. Transgender are a small % (tho larger than the rest of the world.). So. 16% or what ever of the most censurious are trans. So what % is trans overall? Data useless without that.
The % on the last table make no sense to me.
I believe if you look at the last column it describes the top 20% most censorious group - so 82% female, etc.
How are women 30% least censorious, 65% middle censorious and 82% most censorious?
If it is ''their % of the X Censorious category'' and women are just most of the sample, then how is that data breakdown a wise choice? I'm sure breaking down the data differently would have been more useful.
They didn't do per capita adjustment. Transgender are a small % (tho larger than the rest of the world.). So. 16% or what ever of the most censurious are trans. So what % is trans overall? Data useless without that.