How are women 30% least censorious, 65% middle censorious and 82% most censorious?
If it is ''their % of the X Censorious category'' and women are just most of the sample, then how is that data breakdown a wise choice? I'm sure breaking down the data differently would have been more useful.
The three columns describe three different groups of people. The group that is least censorious is 30% female. The group of middle censorious is 65% female.
They didn't do per capita adjustment. Transgender are a small % (tho larger than the rest of the world.). So. 16% or what ever of the most censurious are trans. So what % is trans overall? Data useless without that.
How are women 30% least censorious, 65% middle censorious and 82% most censorious?
If it is ''their % of the X Censorious category'' and women are just most of the sample, then how is that data breakdown a wise choice? I'm sure breaking down the data differently would have been more useful.
The three columns describe three different groups of people. The group that is least censorious is 30% female. The group of middle censorious is 65% female.
The group of crazies is 82% female.
They didn't do per capita adjustment. Transgender are a small % (tho larger than the rest of the world.). So. 16% or what ever of the most censurious are trans. So what % is trans overall? Data useless without that.