I got a cheap, old laptop and figured I'd spend a summer tinkering and getting Linux running on it. Mint worked out of the box, didn't even have sound card issues, so I had to play video games that summer instead.
The one thing I only ever had issues with on linux was apt being a bitch and once a network driver wasn't available which I could download with another PC and put on there. Was some very niche one, too for a really niche PC.
I got a cheap, old laptop and figured I'd spend a summer tinkering and getting Linux running on it. Mint worked out of the box, didn't even have sound card issues, so I had to play video games that summer instead.
The one thing I only ever had issues with on linux was apt being a bitch and once a network driver wasn't available which I could download with another PC and put on there. Was some very niche one, too for a really niche PC.