The big takeaway here is that Marty O'Donnell was just recently lightly redpilled (mostly because he was apolitical and focused on games and music like a normal human), and was basically shown the corrupting influence of DEI and the damage it is doing to modern gaming.
I'm not saying he's going to be doing streams with Academic Agent anytime soon, but it's good for normies to recognize the attack that even the things that they just recently made are under.
343 had (and probably still has) a hate boner for people who worked on the original Halo games. They barely tolerate the original VAs. I would imagine being part of Microsoft's culture they also hate Marty's politics but that's not the primary reason.
Bungie fired him, forced him to surrender his stock in the company, and withheld the profit-sharing that he was entitled to. He sued Bungie and they settled.
343 had (and probably still has) a hate boner for people who worked on the original Halo games.
I'd probably be pissy too if my very existence was getting hated on for failing to live up to someone. Its like having a girlfriend who constantly talks about how awesome her ex was.
Granted, 343 absolutely deserves it for being both incompetent and pieces of shit themselves.They put themselves in the position to get compared like that and can't live with the fact that they suck and everyone isn't afraid to tell them they suck.
So while it makes sense why they hate like that, they can only blame themselves for it.
*Deserved. 343 got reorganized and renamed Halo Studios after continued failures, but don't expect them to be any better: The head of the studio is former head of DEI at Microsoft Studios.
That's true, but 343 was also hostile towards Bungie's legacy from day 1 before they even started releasing games. They purposely hired people who hated Halo to develop Halo 4.
I don't doubt they knew the reception they'd get even before they started.
One of the earlier ones that Holmes recalls was when the team completed a small piece of the Halo experience that he described as a "very traditional" Halo. User research showed that people thought it was a lot of fun, and it showed that the team was capable of making a Halo game that was true to what the series was about.
343 scrapped it, Holmes says, as it was too traditional.
They knew exactly what they were doing. They were intentionally trying to make something people were going to hate to instead make a game for themselves, and probably hoped a mythical "silent audience" would appear instead.
As is usually the case with things like Woke takeovers.
It's always a bit shocking to me when someone within (currently or previously) the AAA gaming industry comes out against the regressive leftist zeitgeist. Like an albino in Africa, it's a rare and wondrous sight, but you know bad things are on the horizon for that poor soul.
Man, it's too bad Marty lost his primary, would've been nice to have a gaming legend in Congress. And for all that, then the guy he lost to proceeded to lose the race for their Nevada district anyway.
I'd have fucking voted for him.
The big takeaway here is that Marty O'Donnell was just recently lightly redpilled (mostly because he was apolitical and focused on games and music like a normal human), and was basically shown the corrupting influence of DEI and the damage it is doing to modern gaming.
I'm not saying he's going to be doing streams with Academic Agent anytime soon, but it's good for normies to recognize the attack that even the things that they just recently made are under.
Recently? Didn't he get forced out of either 343 or bungie due to his politics?
It was Bungie.
343 had (and probably still has) a hate boner for people who worked on the original Halo games. They barely tolerate the original VAs. I would imagine being part of Microsoft's culture they also hate Marty's politics but that's not the primary reason.
Bungie fired him, forced him to surrender his stock in the company, and withheld the profit-sharing that he was entitled to. He sued Bungie and they settled.
Only retarded goblins were left at bungie post halo, clearly. Halo without the music would not be the legend it is.
I'd probably be pissy too if my very existence was getting hated on for failing to live up to someone. Its like having a girlfriend who constantly talks about how awesome her ex was.
Granted, 343 absolutely deserves it for being both incompetent and pieces of shit themselves.They put themselves in the position to get compared like that and can't live with the fact that they suck and everyone isn't afraid to tell them they suck.
So while it makes sense why they hate like that, they can only blame themselves for it.
*Deserved. 343 got reorganized and renamed Halo Studios after continued failures, but don't expect them to be any better: The head of the studio is former head of DEI at Microsoft Studios.
That's true, but 343 was also hostile towards Bungie's legacy from day 1 before they even started releasing games. They purposely hired people who hated Halo to develop Halo 4.
I don't doubt they knew the reception they'd get even before they started.
They knew exactly what they were doing. They were intentionally trying to make something people were going to hate to instead make a game for themselves, and probably hoped a mythical "silent audience" would appear instead.
As is usually the case with things like Woke takeovers.
They'll just deny his existence or dismiss him.
When it comes to video game music, he's a bit too hard to dismiss.
Does he have any idea how many enemies he has made by saying this?
No, but it doesn't matter. We can all help him fight the dysgenic mutants when they come for him.
It's always a bit shocking to me when someone within (currently or previously) the AAA gaming industry comes out against the regressive leftist zeitgeist. Like an albino in Africa, it's a rare and wondrous sight, but you know bad things are on the horizon for that poor soul.
Hence why they must be defended.