Whatever you do, make sure you have all your files copied over to something other than the laptop before you start and make sure you have installation media for your original OS on hand. Also keep in mind that I'm just some dumbass who made his rig last for 13 years straight, so those driver issues might be legit and I just never ran into any problems on account of running off of a motherboard that was around when W7 was everywhere.
I back my stuff up semi-regularily anyways. But of course I would, before wiping my hard drive.
I'm probably too much of a pussy to try anyways, since troubleshooting computer bullshit makes me rage like little else. The Win10 version I got with my laptop is thankfully pretty non-cancerous.
Whatever you do, make sure you have all your files copied over to something other than the laptop before you start and make sure you have installation media for your original OS on hand. Also keep in mind that I'm just some dumbass who made his rig last for 13 years straight, so those driver issues might be legit and I just never ran into any problems on account of running off of a motherboard that was around when W7 was everywhere.
I back my stuff up semi-regularily anyways. But of course I would, before wiping my hard drive.
I'm probably too much of a pussy to try anyways, since troubleshooting computer bullshit makes me rage like little else. The Win10 version I got with my laptop is thankfully pretty non-cancerous.