Whether its true or not, I wonder what made you decide to post this here now? I watch this kind of stuff a lot but it never occurred to me that it would be on topic here. No problem with the post, just asking.
FYI Ashton is that guy who posted the infamous MH370 UFO abduction video years ago and reposted it again with new analysis last year. Personally I think he created it himself to promote his channel and this ZPE topic he spams continuously. Although by coincidence the Malaysian government did just decide to renew their search for the crashed airplane for some reason.
The video was posted ~6 hours ago, I watched it ~3 hours ago, thought “wow, more people should see this”, and posted it on the two forums I post on
Interesting re: the clip, I didn’t realize how closely linked the video of MH370 was to him, I found it surprising that I had never seen that clip before, but I’ve also never heard of the interviewee before this, so I guess that explains why I hadn’t heard of either. The clip is interesting in its own right imo, but I’ve been following the “over unity/ZPE” thing for a while and at this point I’m pretty well convinced there’s something to it, based on the sum of a variety of totally different evidentiary paths
Whether its true or not, I wonder what made you decide to post this here now? I watch this kind of stuff a lot but it never occurred to me that it would be on topic here. No problem with the post, just asking.
FYI Ashton is that guy who posted the infamous MH370 UFO abduction video years ago and reposted it again with new analysis last year. Personally I think he created it himself to promote his channel and this ZPE topic he spams continuously. Although by coincidence the Malaysian government did just decide to renew their search for the crashed airplane for some reason.
The video was posted ~6 hours ago, I watched it ~3 hours ago, thought “wow, more people should see this”, and posted it on the two forums I post on
Interesting re: the clip, I didn’t realize how closely linked the video of MH370 was to him, I found it surprising that I had never seen that clip before, but I’ve also never heard of the interviewee before this, so I guess that explains why I hadn’t heard of either. The clip is interesting in its own right imo, but I’ve been following the “over unity/ZPE” thing for a while and at this point I’m pretty well convinced there’s something to it, based on the sum of a variety of totally different evidentiary paths