You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
What a fucking betrayal.
This is not what he ran on in 2016
I mean he said he was going to staple green cards to college degrees, I think his stance was pretty clear
That doesn't really mean much when the foreign students would have to be able to afford USA's college fees. There'd be no student loans for them.
Rich kids would be able to get in the USA legally anyway.
You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
I'm not from the USA.