As was I, my friend. Two junkies high as fuck conceived me, and didn't stop doing the drugs while gestating and I was raised in similar Southern poverty as you (I believe I remember such). And while I don't remember the number, when I was tested in the 1st grade they wanted to jump me to the 7th grade, which I can only imagine means it was up there.
Its also why I don't put much stock in IQ beyond the "mentally retarded" differentiation. Its so genetic heavy that its almost useless beyond narcissism and bragging rights.
Lol yeah IQ test can be gamed. I think it's really useful for determing general ability at an early age and whether someone is barely functional in society. You are remembering correctly. I'm from a few hours north of you
As was I, my friend. Two junkies high as fuck conceived me, and didn't stop doing the drugs while gestating and I was raised in similar Southern poverty as you (I believe I remember such). And while I don't remember the number, when I was tested in the 1st grade they wanted to jump me to the 7th grade, which I can only imagine means it was up there.
Its also why I don't put much stock in IQ beyond the "mentally retarded" differentiation. Its so genetic heavy that its almost useless beyond narcissism and bragging rights.
Lol yeah IQ test can be gamed. I think it's really useful for determing general ability at an early age and whether someone is barely functional in society. You are remembering correctly. I'm from a few hours north of you