I made my own thread on this but it disappeared because this site is broken and gay. Have my selection of quotes from this faggot:
In a thread from May 2022, he wrote, “Unfriendly reminder that anyone who responds to calls for diversity with ‘How is this fair? Hiring should be based on skill’ usually has no skill whatsoever. If you claim you can't get a job because you're straight and white, I'm sorry -- you can't get a job because you're s***e.
Concerning Rings of Power, he wrote in 2023, “Tolkien fans obsessed with ‘accuracy’ are so f***ing weird. ‘Nobody cares about this adaptation’ — why do you care about any adaptation then? The only reason you're upset about Rings of Power is because ‘critiquing’ it allows you to pretend your vitriol and bigotry have value.”
To no surprise, he’s projecting as in his next post he claims that Sam has brown skin, “What's also funny is that most of the loudest Tolkien ‘fans’ online constantly tell on themselves You've read the books, yeah? Cool, so you know Sam has dark skin. How accurate was it to cast Sean Astin then? What's that? Speak up please, I can't hear you — where are you going?”
In September 2023, he wrote, “If you are an adult who loses their mind at the concept of pronouns, which everyone, everywhere, throughout all of history has used every single day, there is something wrong with your life but it's not what you think it is. The Wokes aren't out to get you. You're just a clown.”
Maher wrote, “I wonder if they realize that by harassing trans writers who have rightfully and justifiably critiqued Cyberpunk 2077’s haphazard and sometimes harmful representation of trans people, that they themselves are the exact kind of people that cyberpunk is designed to destroy: fascistic, unempathetic, and depraved proponents of a regime designed to foster irreversible and indiscriminate misery in technophilic dystopia.”
“Unfriendly reminder that anyone who responds to calls for diversity with ‘How is this fair? Hiring should be based on skill’ usually has no skill whatsoever.
Christie Golden tried this with her World of Warcraft books. She whined that the people criticizing her weren't published writers, and so were not allowed to voice their dislike of her trash novels written at a high school quality. This level of narcissism is truly mind-blowing. I wonder how much of it is at the core of the rot of the world.
It's the position of authority fallacy all over again. "I'm a published writer. Are you? No? Then sit down and shut up."
And I guarantee if there were any actual writers who cared enough to criticize her work, they would be completely ignored to keep the narrative going. As usual.
I made my own thread on this but it disappeared because this site is broken and gay. Have my selection of quotes from this faggot:
CDP managed to hire the most stereotypical, gamer-hating, woke spouting urinalist caricature as their 'franchise & lore designer'. Weird!
Christie Golden tried this with her World of Warcraft books. She whined that the people criticizing her weren't published writers, and so were not allowed to voice their dislike of her trash novels written at a high school quality. This level of narcissism is truly mind-blowing. I wonder how much of it is at the core of the rot of the world.
It's the position of authority fallacy all over again. "I'm a published writer. Are you? No? Then sit down and shut up."
And I guarantee if there were any actual writers who cared enough to criticize her work, they would be completely ignored to keep the narrative going. As usual.
"You can't criticize me, you are not worthy of criticizing me because you are a lesser rank."
"I am a worthy rank, and I will criticize you."
"You are just a sexist/bigot. You cannot criticize me." Ruins more IPs/whole countries
It's all so tiresome.