lol imagine having the fucking balls to go into that class with rebel flag trucker hat, all lives matter shirt, and free J6ers sticker on your laptop and being excited until the professor starts talking and go ohhhhhh this is not what I thought this course was gonna be! I thought Trump won so... you know, boy that's embarrassing, so... is it too late to drop? sorry sorry, carry on retards. and pack up and leave.
lol imagine having the fucking balls to go into that class with rebel flag trucker hat, all lives matter shirt, and free J6ers sticker on your laptop and being excited until the professor starts talking and go ohhhhhh this is not what I thought this course was gonna be! I thought Trump won so... you know, boy that's embarrassing, so... is it too late to drop? sorry sorry, carry on retards. and pack up and leave.
Yeah, or just "Acktshually" everything that the professor says.
Nah, the sticker you want on your laptop is "It's okay to be white."