Yes, Star Wars was saved from George's own retarded original vision, but people want to say Marcia Lucas literally heckin SAVED STAR WARS!!
I think because she's a woman, they want to say she saved it with her master editing skills.
She played a part in making Star Wars not suck, but people need to come back to reality for two main reasons.
- Hundreds of people helped save Star Wars from George Lucas. Actors who refused to say certain lines because they were too ridiculous (Mark Hamill has told that story many times)
The script went through many re-writes including Brian De Palma, because the original script was so terrible, and then all the nameless, faceless executives who were reigning in George Lucas for his own good. So again, Marcia played a part, but it's not even the most significant part, which brings me to point number two.
- Editors cannot make a bad movie good. A really good editor can make a movie the best it can be which Marcia certainly did, and a bad editor can screw up and diminish what could have been a masterpiece if they had a better editor, but you cannot make a bad movie good in editing.
It's like saying you can turn rotten moldy ingredients into a good cake if you use the right proportions.
Making my case for this is I went through a fan edit phase of watching fan-edits of movies. I never thought a fan edit made a bad movie good, including the prequels. At best, a good fan edit makes a movie suck slightly less.
You have to have something good to work with in order to make something good at the editing stage, which with the groundbreaking ILM effects, the actually well-written and well acted characters and a plot that people could jive with, Marcia Lucas had plenty to work with. A bad editor could have fumbled the ball and luckily she was a good editor.
She didn't save Star Wars, she was one of many who helped it not be the piece of crap it should have been with Lucas's bad instincts at the helm.
Even assuming it's true, he would still had to have approved the changes. Which means he recognized good material when it was suggested to him and therefore not the clueless fool that is implied by the "saved in editing" narrative.
Exactly. As the video illustrates, if these editors were capable of such a Herculean task of salvaging a supposedly shit movie in spite of it's director, then they would have won more Oscars than for just that one movie.
The entire thing is just more of
peopleshitbag leftists trying to set/create a narrative in which the white male is a raging idiot, who doesn't deserve the success he achieved, and it was instead the Asian guy, and the woman that actually deserved the credit.Again - it's all so tiresome.
Perfect, George Lucas is not, but the guy did (with plenty of help. we all constantly interact with others, and get new ideas, help, etc.) give birth to an amazing film/universe.