wow, tourist. everyone knows My Cute Little Sister's 7th Grade Gooning Adventure is actually a kino story about discovering how to slay demons using the power of the gods and sexy thigh-highs on children. you just can't appreciate fucking art fucking libtard puritan degenerate who is actually a child predator because being against pedophiles obviously means you are one and i can't make up my mind about anything. just let people enjoy things, okay?
Anime gave itself a bad rep.
Wish it had a worse rep, so cunts like that would keep themselves away from it
wow, tourist. everyone knows My Cute Little Sister's 7th Grade Gooning Adventure is actually a kino story about discovering how to slay demons using the power of the gods and sexy thigh-highs on children. you just can't appreciate fucking art fucking libtard puritan degenerate who is actually a child predator because being against pedophiles obviously means you are one and i can't make up my mind about anything. just let people enjoy things, okay?
Obv arachnophobia means you secretly want to fuck spiders :)