I don’t know much about civil proceedings, so I hope someone can help me out. The whole legal proceedings against Mr. Jones were obviously a politically motivated persecution of him with the express goal of silencing him. I don’t think there is any question about that. Now, I don’t know if anything he said actually rises to an actual standard of defamation or damage against any of the plaintiffs, but even if it did no reasonable person would ever believe he did over a billion dollars in damages to the plaintiffs. That is entirely absurd, and the award that was given to the plaintiffs was clearly designed to utterly destroy Mr. Jones in perpetuity.
My question is this…it would seem to me that on appeal that even if the verdict against Mr. Jones was not overturned the damages awarded to the plaintiffs would surely be reduced by a very substantial amount, because anyone who look at it reasonably can tell what’s being done. I mean, hell, they’re rigging the auction of their property to make sure it goes into “approved” hands. So, why hasn’t he appealed?
I think his lawyers both tried to mount a defence and were threatened by the judge themselves for simply pointing out how stupid it was to default judgement him.
The recent Onion shit shows how hard they were rushing to destroy him before he COULD appeal like they tried to do with Trump. And luckily like Trump, they appear to have fucked up.
It's more that they underestimated how cunning Alex is/was.
The Supplement Company that is bidding on InfoWars is run by Alex's dad. That same company also is the majority debtor for InfoWars. That means that even in Bankruptcy, that is the company that has to be paid first. It is the same company that just filed a complaint against The Onion's bid at auction. That is why the persecutors colluded with The Onion in the first place. If they hadn't have done that, InfoWars would just be owned by Alex's dad.