It's worse, as of two years ago Canadian judges are expected to officially recognize skin colour and ethnicity as mitigating factors for any crime. Therefore, us white Canadians will literally face tougher sentencing for the same crimes even though we commit fewer of them, and our judicial system endorses this as fair.
It is not xer fault xe is a violent, murderous literal baby rapist! Xey were born this way!
It's part of Canadian judicial system that aboriginals and inuits are not responsible for their criminal behavior because of ''systemic racism''.
You can guess the outcome, because courts in the USA already do the same with black criminals. They let them out and they destroy society.
It's worse, as of two years ago Canadian judges are expected to officially recognize skin colour and ethnicity as mitigating factors for any crime. Therefore, us white Canadians will literally face tougher sentencing for the same crimes even though we commit fewer of them, and our judicial system endorses this as fair.
Surprised pajeets arent making sexual crimes sky high in canada.