Commies the very instant the working class support something they don't like be like:
It's not even hyperbole. Leftists portray progressive politics as some sort of logical end point, so they get really angry when someone gets between them and their imaginary utopia.
The problem is every single time they've been given absolute power they fuck things up. But since their ideology operates from an inherent moral absolute™ they are unable to see how disconected they are from the real world.
Getting to watch an amoral country be serially embarrassed by the consequences of its immoral choices is the greatest consolation of all.
They can't be clearer here. They are the religious zealots they acuse right wingers of. They are the totalitarians that turn everything into propaganda. They can justify any failing of them or even inmoral acts since they are working towards a greater good, an utopia, and by the same token they can demonize any oposition by saying they aren't good enough. Better (wish) to burn everything down than accept they may not be the best around
All that irrational fear and hatred towards Orange man seems like plain and simple projection to me, the reality is that Glumpf isn't a fascist dictator, nor an incompetent clown, neither those people are working towards an utopia and they'll have to carry on with their mundane everyday lives as they'd always have
Imagine the hubris required to toss a postmodernist relativist grenade at the foundations of western civilization only to then immediately turn around and attempt to claim an objective moral high-ground.
There’s a reason why people eventually throw their hands up and choose fascism.
Commies the very instant the working class support something they don't like be like:
It's not even hyperbole. Leftists portray progressive politics as some sort of logical end point, so they get really angry when someone gets between them and their imaginary utopia.
The problem is every single time they've been given absolute power they fuck things up. But since their ideology operates from an inherent moral absolute™ they are unable to see how disconected they are from the real world.
They can't be clearer here. They are the religious zealots they acuse right wingers of. They are the totalitarians that turn everything into propaganda. They can justify any failing of them or even inmoral acts since they are working towards a greater good, an utopia, and by the same token they can demonize any oposition by saying they aren't good enough. Better (wish) to burn everything down than accept they may not be the best around
All that irrational fear and hatred towards Orange man seems like plain and simple projection to me, the reality is that Glumpf isn't a fascist dictator, nor an incompetent clown, neither those people are working towards an utopia and they'll have to carry on with their mundane everyday lives as they'd always have
Imagine the hubris required to toss a postmodernist relativist grenade at the foundations of western civilization only to then immediately turn around and attempt to claim an objective moral high-ground.
There’s a reason why people eventually throw their hands up and choose fascism.
As soon as the proletariat opens their yappers they are "capitalists"