- no marriage
- no childbirth
- no dating
- no sex with men
These women are radioactive and since they want to quarantine themselves, they should be encouraged. In fact, we need to start telling prog women to become 4B. We can call them 4bitches.
I'm completely serious. This is perfect judo. It destroys their power, makes them miserable, and deprives prog men. It's as effective a political weapon as you're ever going to get.
I would like to add a fifth bullet point though:
- no posting photos for men
Generally I agree, but I don't trust any leftist, and especially rabid feminist women, to own a gun without becoming hysterical and shooting someone over a completely imagined threat - or just to be vindictive.
I'm not saying they should be prevented from owning guns. We don't need more firearm restrictions. But I definitely don't trust them to wield a firearm responsibly.
I'm normally opposed to firearm restrictions, but maybe we'll need an exception for people on their periods.
This issue would get resolved if a lot of leftism was diagnosed as a mental illness, which is a legit reason to keep guns away from someone