Japan Officially Names Covid mRNA Vaccine 'Most Deadly Drug in History of Humankind'
In a stunning declaration, Japanese scientists have labeled COVID-19 vaccines the most deadly drug in the history of medicine, asserting that the individuals responsible for this global health crisis must be prosecuted.
Ben Shapiro will soon declare all of Japan to be conspiracy theorists. He would know, after all, his wife is a doctor.
There are deadlier drugs, but this is probably the most deadly vaccine in history. Or at least, things labeled as vaccines.
Assuming the stories we were told about the smallpox eradication were true, anyways. Gotta wonder these days if their "mostly safe" smallpox eradication was the same kind of "mostly" peaceful as their protests. Would have been a lot easier to hide in the 70s.
You can actually just look at the data to see that smallpox 'eradication' is a hoax. Roman Bystrianik has collected it. There's not even a correlation between vaccination and smallpox eradication.
Also, you can see pictures of how horrible the smallpox vaccination was. There's a reason that parents went to prison rather than subjecting their children to it.
Clickbait, but a good step forward. It's just a press conference with some MPs and doctors who did a literature review. Sort of like a Congressional hearing, but less official. Japan did not officially name Covid mRNA Vaccine ‘Most Deadly Drug in History of Humankind’. But I might be wrong because it's been "Fact checked by The People's Voice Community".
I don't disagree with them, but wtf is this source? Where are their primary sources? What are even the names of these medical experts and members of "parliament?" Japan has a Diet.
Trash article, sorry.
I hope the nips shut out every foreigner again and rearm according to bushido. Even if I don't get to step foot in nippon I'd like to see them preserve their culture.