This simple little comic enrages me so much, because it's true. In fact, it barely scratches the surface. They didn't even touch on treatment of the sexes; the erasure of femininity and the proliferation of insufferable girlbosses, and the erasure of masculinity and the proliferation of New Men.
I'm sick of it all. Thankfully, they can't get rid of the old stuff. Also, people are getting sick of their nonsense, and it seems like the profitability of this bullshit is starting to wane.
Nerfnow!! touches on a lot of woke and general gaming topics, having started sort of as a TF2 comic that spun off various other characters, the lead is literally a female engineer/engy named Angie;
All with what I think is a Brazilian twist and POV on things. Also occasional flood related site outages.
It's covered quite a few game issues over the last few years and the comments section of each comic, albeit limited in character space, do generally lean anti-woke and anti-anti-consumer which a lot of games now are.
I'd engage with the site in the comments if it didn't require Facebook or Google to log in with.
I'm sure they're working on that. Why do you think everything is a subscription based service now rather than a physical product you can purchase and genuinely own?
This simple little comic enrages me so much, because it's true. In fact, it barely scratches the surface. They didn't even touch on treatment of the sexes; the erasure of femininity and the proliferation of insufferable girlbosses, and the erasure of masculinity and the proliferation of New Men.
I'm sick of it all. Thankfully, they can't get rid of the old stuff. Also, people are getting sick of their nonsense, and it seems like the profitability of this bullshit is starting to wane.
Nerfnow!! touches on a lot of woke and general gaming topics, having started sort of as a TF2 comic that spun off various other characters, the lead is literally a female engineer/engy named Angie;
All with what I think is a Brazilian twist and POV on things. Also occasional flood related site outages.
It's covered quite a few game issues over the last few years and the comments section of each comic, albeit limited in character space, do generally lean anti-woke and anti-anti-consumer which a lot of games now are.
I'd engage with the site in the comments if it didn't require Facebook or Google to log in with.
I'm sure they're working on that. Why do you think everything is a subscription based service now rather than a physical product you can purchase and genuinely own?