California has been solidly blue for like 50 years or something, you could have called it blue years before the election. At least half the states can be called well before the election starts, frankly. This isn't a surprise.
As a former resident, the corruption there is truly beyond description. Take the worst stories you've ever heard coming out of this hellhole, multiply it by 100, and chances are it still wouldn't match what really goes on behind the scenes.
Yes, pretty much. Normally, the media will call states that have basically no chance of being won by the other party, and if exit polls suggest no real change, they'll just call the state.
California has been solidly blue for like 50 years or something, you could have called it blue years before the election. At least half the states can be called well before the election starts, frankly. This isn't a surprise.
Yeah, but what's the point of counting votes if you declare the outcome before counting a single vote?
I'm not saying CA was going to flip, but that's still not exactly a good look. Count the votes, then call CA for the Dems.
If it makes you feel any better, they also called Idaho and Montana for Trump with 0% reporting. None of those states are exactly a surprise.
They did this in 2020 and 2016.
As a former resident, the corruption there is truly beyond description. Take the worst stories you've ever heard coming out of this hellhole, multiply it by 100, and chances are it still wouldn't match what really goes on behind the scenes.
If I remember very old elections, they would call overwhelmingly R and L states based on exit polls and early indicators.
Are they this desperate to run the score up, that they're throwing blue state results in before any votes are counted?
What is going on here?
Washington also was called with seven percent?
This is hilarious...or enraging, depending on who is ultimately installed as President.
Yes, pretty much. Normally, the media will call states that have basically no chance of being won by the other party, and if exit polls suggest no real change, they'll just call the state.
They called Montana for Trump with 0% too.