"When the woman's prize for fiction was launched in 1996, it was badly needed; back then, female writers found it hard to get thier work published."
Even when it's trying to tackle an issue hurting men, they can't help but fall over themselves trying to simp for women.
To put it bluntly: Bullshit.
The idea of women underrepresentation in literature has never passed the smell test with me. Perhaps it's my bias and interest, but whenever that certain strain of feminists go all in about 'male dominance in literature', I look over at my bookshelf and see a wide spread of female authors, some of them very, very good, creating fond childhood memories, and having been around for a very, very long time. As far back as the 1970s you see some female giants in science fiction and fantasy - Marion Zimmer Bradley(pedophile rapist enabler that she was - oops! Whoopsie!), Anne McCaffery, CS Friedman, Lois McMaster Bujold - getting outside of those genres, Margaret Atwood, darling dujour of the left, has been writing novels since that time.
There's always been an undercurrent - a smell, if you will - that women have an expectation because of their halo effect to automatically receive accolades and accomplishments at whatever it is they do. But the written word doesn't discriminate, and all of a sudden said halo effect is utterly worthless, and they actually have to put in the effort and skill to be good at something rather than just show up and look cute.
The female takeover in publishing is driving by their self-indulgent victimization fetish - political activism writ large that completely ignores the reality on the ground that now gives them a private sandbox to do whatever it is they wish, supported blindly by simps and white knight male feminists.
This isn't even tackling the massive, monstrous elephant in the room; women-focused romance novels, which take up easily over 50% of the fiction landscape in terms of production and scales. Yes - female porn novels vastly outweigh EVERY OTHER GENRE in terms of dominance and money. It isn't even a contest.
As for a solution? For all it's ills, modern society has made self-publishing stupidly easy - who cares about who controls said publishing giants, when people are getting their fanfics put to print for actual money? Bypass the people who hate you, and go straight to the people who want to give you thier money in exchange for what you want to write.
The biggest problem with self-publishing though is marketing. Big publishers have thousands upon thousands of dollars to throw at marketing and deals with physical retailers. Publishing by yourself won't give you that option really.
The big publishers rarely spend anything on marketing for most authors.
The most likely scenario if you get a tradpub deal is a $5k advance, an editing pass, and a cover. Considering those would cost you $1-2k do to yourself, that's not nothing. But they still pretty much expect you to spend your own time and money marketing. The exceptions are the books they try to force into being popular which are usually DIE garbage.
The real problem is the Big 4 editors have become totally ideologically captured and completely lost touch with the market. They have no idea what sells anymore. The publishers just put out flop after flop and hope one of them somehow becomes a hit. That's why Barns and Noble stopped stocking debut hardcovers. None of the trash sells. https://www.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/wxl645/barnes_and_noble_makes_it_harder_for_debut/
Part of the problem is that there are just 4 big publishers. Consolidation down to the point where it’s possible for all of them to be reading from the same play book. If there were 1,000 publishers at least some of them would be on a different page
"When the woman's prize for fiction was launched in 1996, it was badly needed; back then, female writers found it hard to get thier work published."
Even when it's trying to tackle an issue hurting men, they can't help but fall over themselves trying to simp for women.
To put it bluntly: Bullshit.
The idea of women underrepresentation in literature has never passed the smell test with me. Perhaps it's my bias and interest, but whenever that certain strain of feminists go all in about 'male dominance in literature', I look over at my bookshelf and see a wide spread of female authors, some of them very, very good, creating fond childhood memories, and having been around for a very, very long time. As far back as the 1970s you see some female giants in science fiction and fantasy - Marion Zimmer Bradley(pedophile rapist enabler that she was - oops! Whoopsie!), Anne McCaffery, CS Friedman, Lois McMaster Bujold - getting outside of those genres, Margaret Atwood, darling dujour of the left, has been writing novels since that time.
There's always been an undercurrent - a smell, if you will - that women have an expectation because of their halo effect to automatically receive accolades and accomplishments at whatever it is they do. But the written word doesn't discriminate, and all of a sudden said halo effect is utterly worthless, and they actually have to put in the effort and skill to be good at something rather than just show up and look cute.
The female takeover in publishing is driving by their self-indulgent victimization fetish - political activism writ large that completely ignores the reality on the ground that now gives them a private sandbox to do whatever it is they wish, supported blindly by simps and white knight male feminists.
This isn't even tackling the massive, monstrous elephant in the room; women-focused romance novels, which take up easily over 50% of the fiction landscape in terms of production and scales. Yes - female porn novels vastly outweigh EVERY OTHER GENRE in terms of dominance and money. It isn't even a contest.
As for a solution? For all it's ills, modern society has made self-publishing stupidly easy - who cares about who controls said publishing giants, when people are getting their fanfics put to print for actual money? Bypass the people who hate you, and go straight to the people who want to give you thier money in exchange for what you want to write.
The biggest problem with self-publishing though is marketing. Big publishers have thousands upon thousands of dollars to throw at marketing and deals with physical retailers. Publishing by yourself won't give you that option really.
The big publishers rarely spend anything on marketing for most authors.
The most likely scenario if you get a tradpub deal is a $5k advance, an editing pass, and a cover. Considering those would cost you $1-2k do to yourself, that's not nothing. But they still pretty much expect you to spend your own time and money marketing. The exceptions are the books they try to force into being popular which are usually DIE garbage.
The real problem is the Big 4 editors have become totally ideologically captured and completely lost touch with the market. They have no idea what sells anymore. The publishers just put out flop after flop and hope one of them somehow becomes a hit. That's why Barns and Noble stopped stocking debut hardcovers. None of the trash sells. https://www.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/wxl645/barnes_and_noble_makes_it_harder_for_debut/
Part of the problem is that there are just 4 big publishers. Consolidation down to the point where it’s possible for all of them to be reading from the same play book. If there were 1,000 publishers at least some of them would be on a different page