Why play someone about to be traumatized or murdered in Silent Hill?
At some point, people run out of things to say, and they just write shit because they have a quota to fill. That said, when you share things like this, you do the journo's job for them, because their goal is to make you angry so you will click and share their story, giving them a whole bunch more clicks, which is the sole metric for their performance. Thank you for using an archive and not the actual site.
The first question or even first sentence of their conversation sets up the argument so that: "heads I win, tails you lose".
Even disagreeing, you state "there's no problem playing as Fascists", which they use to slander you with guilt by association. In reality, Fascism isn't even present, and the definition you are accepting their use of is a fictional definition they've already used to describe you with.
Why play a criminal in GTA?
Why play someone about to be traumatized or murdered in Silent Hill?
At some point, people run out of things to say, and they just write shit because they have a quota to fill. That said, when you share things like this, you do the journo's job for them, because their goal is to make you angry so you will click and share their story, giving them a whole bunch more clicks, which is the sole metric for their performance. Thank you for using an archive and not the actual site.
Why are we even acquiescing to the claim that Space Marines are Fascist?
Asking the real question.
This is actually a very common Leftist tactic.
The first question or even first sentence of their conversation sets up the argument so that: "heads I win, tails you lose".
Even disagreeing, you state "there's no problem playing as Fascists", which they use to slander you with guilt by association. In reality, Fascism isn't even present, and the definition you are accepting their use of is a fictional definition they've already used to describe you with.
Never let your enemy set the tempo of battle.