This is why the civil rights legislation is a great example of something that you probably think is good but is actually communist.
The government suing on behalf of people based on disparate impacts which is "racism of the gaps" it's what ibram x kendi grifts over, except enshrined in law 60 years earlier.
It's the definitive refutation of "laws are downstream of culture" They may be, but that river 100% goes both ways then. It is proof that you can change laws and the countries culture will follow.
The culture will follow, but not in a sustainable way. No amount of legislation is going to magically enable the average black person to multiply 49 by 3. The disparate impact laws pave over “the gaps” with toilet paper. Eventually, it will collapse.
This is why the civil rights legislation is a great example of something that you probably think is good but is actually communist.
The government suing on behalf of people based on disparate impacts which is "racism of the gaps" it's what ibram x kendi grifts over, except enshrined in law 60 years earlier.
It's the definitive refutation of "laws are downstream of culture" They may be, but that river 100% goes both ways then. It is proof that you can change laws and the countries culture will follow.
The culture will follow, but not in a sustainable way. No amount of legislation is going to magically enable the average black person to multiply 49 by 3. The disparate impact laws pave over “the gaps” with toilet paper. Eventually, it will collapse.
It's 147.
150 minus 3.