Guaranteed one million percent woman-written trash. I've been exposed to an uncomfortable amount of "where are all da good men" videos from ageing women, and a 'Top 3' thing they routinely say is "men are just intimidated by strong women." It's complete fantasy, ridiculous cope, and as hilarious as it is sad.
The thing is, its true that men are more afraid of women than ever in Current Year. Between the power of rape accusations, divorce court, family court, and all of the above women have the ability to literally destroy a man on a whim with little defense. We have good reason to be afraid.
But they can't acknowledge that, because it would undermine the women as victims narrative and acknowledge their own privilege. So instead they concoct this narrative of men being afraid of women who are "strong" (aka know how to abuse society to fight for her).
Every word of that nonsense was written by a woman.
Guaranteed one million percent woman-written trash. I've been exposed to an uncomfortable amount of "where are all da good men" videos from ageing women, and a 'Top 3' thing they routinely say is "men are just intimidated by strong women." It's complete fantasy, ridiculous cope, and as hilarious as it is sad.
The thing is, its true that men are more afraid of women than ever in Current Year. Between the power of rape accusations, divorce court, family court, and all of the above women have the ability to literally destroy a man on a whim with little defense. We have good reason to be afraid.
But they can't acknowledge that, because it would undermine the women as victims narrative and acknowledge their own privilege. So instead they concoct this narrative of men being afraid of women who are "strong" (aka know how to abuse society to fight for her).
When they complain men are ''intimidated'' they mean men don't want fat, man-ish, loud bitchy women.