Kyle Rittenhouse was invited to a rock concert and bands and the news are trying to destroy the whole thing. This article includes the false info on how Rittenhouse defended himself
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Kyle Rittenhouse was invited to a rock concert and bands and the news are trying to destroy the whole thing. This article includes the false info on how Rittenhouse defended himself
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“The band Evergreen Terrace announced it would be pulling out of the festival”
Literally who?
Can any metal people tell me if these guys matter?
Not only do these guys not matter, the headliner of this "festival" is a cover band.
So literal whos dropping off of a festival filled with other literal whos.
t. Very tapped in metalhead.
It's an event to raise money for veterans and PTSD recovery efforts.
That's cool...still literal whos playing it.
The point being it's not meant to have a festival lineup for profit. It's a local event.
Something Rittenhouse has been involved in and shown to be very interested in continuing. With a large amount of his supporters being those very people.
So this is just proof that all these bands were doing it for the crumbs of stagetime and fame, rather than any care for the cause.