Currently binge watching Monsters, The Hitchhiker, Tales from the Crypt, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and the 80s Alfred Hitchcock reboot and it has me missing anthology series. Saw a lot in the 80s/90s. Anyone have a favorite?
If I had to pick just one I guess mine would be the original TZ but I have a soft spot for the 80s version. One Step Beyond is an old but good one. Nightmare Cafe was a good but very short lived series.
X-Files and Stargate SG1.
X-Files was good and I’m currently watching SG1
Also, currently watching it. Lots of progressive themes. Malthusian, environmental, and of course, feminist ones revolving around Carter. How many ersatz Carter characters have we seen this far? That rogue NDI one, that brainiac student. In season 5 en 6 we saw more male scientists other than Carter, that I recall.
The male scientists were usually the nerdy male scientist stereotype. And Carter is obviously a babe. But outside that early episode with the Mongols they didn't make a lot of girl boss episodes. And Carter did fail quite a bit and was a bit socially awkward. I'm going a long way to say I don't think she's a Mary Sue, but it flirts a little with the line
My argument is that they frame her as the foremost expert on Stargate technology, while physics is typically dominated by men. Then we see an evil version also occupying a similar role in the NDI team and later we see a young female student in the Airforce academy who may even be more brilliant than Carter.
Only in the later seasons does she have competition from men, but of course, they're all nerds and incompetent fighters and couldn't hope to outclass Carter.
Episode 21, season 6 -- the female doctor at SG-command wants to call in a female neurosurgeon, claiming she's the best there is. For fun I searched for 'the best neurosurgeons' and came up with this list. Not a single female. It's been years since that show, but still.
Things like that. Also, the chief technician on the Prometheus appeared to be female.