89 New docs from litigation against the CDC reveal the Biden-Harris White House hosted the “Counter Disinformation Unit” from the U.K. gov’t in 2021 to learn about their recommendations to censor speech. (twitter.com) posted 155 days ago by Gazerbeam 155 days ago by Gazerbeam +89 / -0 4 comments share 4 comments share save hide report block hide replies
"If the government asks nicely and Twitter/Facebook/Youtube/Reddit comply, that's not the government censoring your speech that's the private industry and they can do what they want!"
UK still pushing their e-karen online censorship schtick.
We need to punish states that threaten the foundation of the internet that America built.
Jesus Christ, so the Biden-Harris Regime is attempting to learn lessons from the 77th Brigade of the UK military.
Now we have our answer about the father who's son was killed by a Haitian in Springfield, OH.
Getting the grieving parents out to condemn political dissent is the primary move of the 77th brigade.
Have the archive