posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +8 / -3

I bought a Asus TUF mouse awhile ago specifically because I wanted a mouse that would last, it lasted a year which is a fair amount of time but for the money I was expecting a bit more life. It seems I'm so clicky and touch type that much I rip through peripherals like it's nothing. A fair warning though if you're thinking of investing in a peripheral, the brands that brag about build quality mean nothing if the mechanism that actually does the actions is held together by some flimsy piece of plastic. It seems a lot of the brands all do this which is why sometimes the mechanism will just break and you'll have a barely functional mouse.

I just thought I'd spare people the money potentially. If you're a heavy user it seems that buying peripherals in bulk is probably the better option. In case people are wondering how I did it, no I don't treat my peripherals like shit, if I'm not in a game engine constantly clicking and placing stuff I'm in Blender doing tons of clicks and that's on top of the gaming I like to do as a break as well as general browsing and computer usage.