Romania is a puppet country. They will do anything the US or EU tells them to do.
When the migrant crisis started around 2015 they initially said no to taking migrants and then the completely flipped once Merkel told them to.
The locals are not going to fight either. Communism hurt their national identity, they will have to hit bottom before they realize they're going to be replaced inside their own country.
Only thing that I think slowed down the process was the fact that Romania was poorer then other, more attractive places like Germany.
Due to living through the Soviet Union and that they had a generation turned into psychopaths thanks to a scheme to increase birthrates and extremely poor orphanages, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they STAY like this is any undesirables coming to ruin it are rotting in an abandoned building, reported as 'missing'.
The locals should find this video terrifying.
This is like the black guy seeing how ski lodges are for the first time.
im sad they discovered that. skiing and boating have a financial barrier to entry that stops most blacks and other undesirables.
Better get that whip cracking. Enslaving the lesser races and sexes isn't going to happen posting on the internet... But yes, you're right.
Egbol stared in wonder at Naya's landscape. So much to eat. So much to steal.
Romania is a puppet country. They will do anything the US or EU tells them to do. When the migrant crisis started around 2015 they initially said no to taking migrants and then the completely flipped once Merkel told them to.
The locals are not going to fight either. Communism hurt their national identity, they will have to hit bottom before they realize they're going to be replaced inside their own country.
Only thing that I think slowed down the process was the fact that Romania was poorer then other, more attractive places like Germany.
Due to living through the Soviet Union and that they had a generation turned into psychopaths thanks to a scheme to increase birthrates and extremely poor orphanages, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they STAY like this is any undesirables coming to ruin it are rotting in an abandoned building, reported as 'missing'.