posted ago by redman012 ago by redman012 +28 / -4

A bit early for this but yesterday was pretty big for the community.

Cover Corp fully released their own social media app, Holoplus yesterday, initially with zero moderation, which resulted in dozens of posts of porn of their talents' avatars, as well as posting the IRL identities of their talents, to the point where they had to shut down the creation of accounts for several hours just to clean it up, but supposedly this was the result of a brigade of anti-Hololive individuals as well as fans of other agencies such as Phase Connect, as some of the posts I personally saw were people posting pictures of talents of other agencies and saying this was their new oshi (industry term for favorite vtuber).

I think this was also Cover being naive because their subreddit is also basically unmoderated, and speaking of the subreddit here is a thread of them discussing the launch of Holoplus.

Also yesterday, Twitch Ambassador EvilToaster a 'non-binary, autistic PNGtuber', one of the main people pushing Twitch's new Drop In feature, which allows people to unpromptedly collab with others among other things (here is a FalseEyeD video where the first 5:46 is explaining the feature and its issues with vtubers, where among other things, the moment you click Knock, your camera automatically turns on if you gave your browser permission) was accused of sexual harassment by several other vtubers.

Original accusation tweet: https://x.com/ciernaVT/status/1826829230442795288

Original Google Doc of accusations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AkdUddk6Md1xsHaE6bSchp-ceBDZlRpB4CR2_dRkgGo/preview#heading=h.z52fwydlvudu

Archive of the Google Doc: http://web.archive.org/web/20240823045836/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AkdUddk6Md1xsHaE6bSchp-ceBDZlRpB4CR2_dRkgGo/preview#heading=h.z52fwydlvudu

4chan thread on /vt/ discussing the accusations: https://boards.4chan.org/vt/thread/83488645/eviltoaster-a-nonbinary-pngtuber-thats-well-known#p83496893

Reading this last night, in my opinion, this is partly a weird autistic person being awkward and weird, partly them being pushy as fuck, partly some of them giving conflicting signals and partly everyone involved just not being direct with one another.