They even say that the girl had to die for the sins of the group. Throughout the episode whenever they were accussing one of the group they were sure to show them wearing their crosses.
Sorry for the rant but it's just so noticeable I can't believe I never registered it before
The first breach in my Atheism was fully realizing how much they hate Christians, Christianity, and Jesus. If you think something is dumb and illogical, why spend every single second exclusively talking about it? Because "it's the dominant culture?" Yeah, maybe 70 years ago before every institution became converged.
My story is similar to yours.
I noticed that they hated Christianity, but Judaism and Muslim could do no wrong. "Magic sky daddy" being illogical only applies to Jesus.
A fun way to make them jump through hoop is whenever anyone complains about religion you repeat it back them and replace "religion" and "religious people" with judaism and jews.
Then comes the backpedaling.
Its really fun to get them mocking the Old Testament and its fantastical elements, then once they are going on it hard just throw in "those Jews are so wild believing that shit."
Because 99% of them forget that the Jews believe in that too.
Continual, extended conquest since its inception 1300 years ago? Gulags, struggle sessions, and secret police? Bombing embassies, gunning down allied ships, and enforcing an open-air prison on an entire population? Spanish Christians killed 3000 people over a period of 400 years centuries ago and modern Christians are sometimes slightly mean to gays!!!!!!!
The Spanish Christian's midtake was stopping
Yeah, but the 3000 people they killed were 'conversos', meaning 'jews'. Otherwise no one would care.
Plenty of the New Atheists like Dawkins and Sam Harris went after Islam just as hard as they went after Christianity, which is the main reason why New Atheism was kicked out of the broader left-wing coalition to begin with.
There are plenty of great releases that show Muslims as evil. Land of Bad being a recent one. Rendition being another, Twin Towers. All of it based on real life of course. There is even one that shows the fleeing Nazis converting to Islam.