140 White and Asian men are not able to apply for Apple's new "Entrepreneur Camp" (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 186 days ago by SophiesBoyfriend 186 days ago by SophiesBoyfriend +143 / -3 47 comments download share 47 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I’d sue them. Honestly just start firing off lawsuits for all of this stuff
How will that work when the judges all went through the same anit-White indoctrination and had to pledge allegiance to the the gods of liberalism to get their degrees? And worse, whose peer group will look down on them if they treat you fairly.
The laws are pretty universally on the books to criminalize much of this. It just takes effort and means to push it all the way.
Edit: "Just" is reductive. It takes a hell of a lot of effort and means. But it theoretically can be done.
Yea, I’ve seen some lawsuits against policies like this. Most recently I heard about a case where a high ranking hospital employee sued the hospital
And they're winning. They're hard fought, and the landmark case that really scares companies into reversing course hasn't come yet, but it's coming.