The process for citizenship wasn't clear even by the war of 1812, which is where the Impressment crisis came from with the British. By 1790, it wasn't even entirely clear that state citizens were federal citizens.
The illegal immigrants, that were former Hessian mercenaries, who's sole purpose was to overthrow the US government, whom were abandoned by the Prussians, were just fully naturalized citizens because 'whuite'.
Ha ha ha ha. Completely wrong.
The process for citizenship wasn't clear even by the war of 1812, which is where the Impressment crisis came from with the British. By 1790, it wasn't even entirely clear that state citizens were federal citizens.
The illegal immigrants, that were former Hessian mercenaries, who's sole purpose was to overthrow the US government, whom were abandoned by the Prussians, were just fully naturalized citizens because 'whuite'.
Now who is asserting magic dirt?
They weren't disqualified from citizenship via the 1790 law.
And they sure as shit weren't made citizens either, you dishonest fucking hack.
You're the one being dishonest. You said that law would remove the Germans. You just admitted you knew otherwise.
Stop fucking gaslighting. You know I never said that. I challenged your idea that America was a Pan-Europeanist state.